Working with babies


Whatever way your baby comes into this world, their wellbeing is significantly influenced by their experience of birth.

Even the most natural or easy births involve some degree of compression for the baby, who may be overwhelmed and take a while to adjust.

The way your baby can show some of the challenges of that experience are through their behavior and interaction. It can manifest in many ways such as feeding difficulties, digestive problems (colic, reflux), arching and rigidity, inconsolable crying and sleeping problems

 Craniosacral therapy is perhaps best known for working with babies in part because of its gentleness. It supports the baby’s system to help deal with residual shock and compression. If you’ve experienced a difficult or traumatic labour, treatment can support you and your baby to process the birth more effectively

I also work as part of the Early Days Support team. For more information about this valuable service visit

“Annie and Phil {Early Days Support} are a dream team for new parents. The wisdom, sensitivity, clarity and kindness they offered us were a great support to us when Willow-Maria arrived. This was especially appreciated as the birth was a bit more complicated than we had hoped for”.