Craniosacral Therapy

Now widely practiced around the world, Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is gentle, non-invasive, hands-on treatment that supports your body's innate capacity to balance and heal itself.

By sensing how your body’s natural rhythms are being expressed, a skilled Craniosacral Therapist will notice the restriction, contraction and congestion that may be underlying the pain and discomfort being experienced. By using this subtle yet potent approach, tension and stress can release and resolve so that flow and ease return, thus encouraging the body towards a new level of balance.

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People come to see me for all sorts of reasons. Some are seeking help with physical problems such as headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain. Others are looking for support with stress, anxiety or low mood. Many people see me to help them reconnect to a sense of well being.

An adult treatment will usually last an hour and in the initial appointment will include a written case history – where we talk about why you have come and your past medical history. Typically you will lie on your back, fully clothed on the treatment couch. The treatment will generally begin with making light contact at your head, feet or base of the spine and sometimes the focus of the treatment may be on areas other than where you are experiencing your symptoms. As the session continues you will often experience a progressive sense of relaxation and calm.

For more information or to discuss your individual needs call Phil on 07804 895214 or click on the ‘Contact Me’ page and send me a message

 Craniosacral Therapy is not intended as primary healthcare but rather to complement the service provided by your doctor